Türkiye eğitim katılımcıları için dilerlerse kendi şehirlerinde eğitim organize edip bizi davet edebilirler ya da Ankara ve Şanlıurfa’da yıl içinde sürekli yapılan eğitmen seminerlerine katılabilirler.

If you want, you can learn the Ving Tsun form and applications in a concentrated way by inviting me to the country you live in or you can attend the 5-day training camps we will do in Turkey. You can learn the forms or applications without being expected to show loyalty.

1.Siu Nim Tao: 10 lessons
2. Cham Kiu: 10 lessons
3. Biu Jee: 10 lessons
4. Monk Yan Chong (wooden dummy) 20 lessons
5. Lok Dim Boon Gwan (Long Pole): 20 lessons
6. Bart Cham Dao (Butterfly Knifes): 20 lessons

Education camps in Turkey are at a world-famous touristic location which is Cappadocia. Authentic ving tsun Lessons is given by Sifu Hamit Karakaya who has completed the whole system.